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What are sliding windows?

It is one in which its leaves slide on rails, moving to the left or right to open the gap. Unlike casement windows, which open by folding on the hinges located on the sides.

In sliding windows, the leaves slide on the frame, aided by a wheel system that allows smooth movement, so it is always impossible to open the entire gap, since the leaves themselves will cover part of it.


1. They do not take up space and do not invade indoor space when opening.
As we have said, the window leaves slide to the left and right, so they are always located on the window frame. Therefore, when opening, they do not invade interior areas and do not take up space in the room. This also avoids possible collisions of people with the open windows.

2. Smaller frames and leaves, more brightness.
They are much simpler systems than a casement window. Therefore, the frame and leaf profiles are usually thinner, so the glass surface is larger. Therefore, this type of window allows more light to enter by allowing a greater glazed surface for the same gap size.

3. More economical systems.
Since the frame and leaf profiles are simpler and the hardware mechanism is also simpler, they tend to be more economical systems. That is why traditionally in Spain, these sliding windows have been the most manufactured windows with low-cost aluminum profiles and of very low quality.

4. Very used in doors.
Sliding systems really make sense of use when used in doors rather than windows. In doors, it allows the installation of large gaps, in which the leaf moves easily to one side to allow the passage of people. In the case of large gaps as happens in doors, a casement system may occupy a large opening space that makes it unviable.


1. Menor aislamiento térmico.
The profiles of sliding windows are much simpler than casement ones. They are narrower, have fewer chambers, and therefore their thermal insulation value is much lower. Similarly, they allow for thinner glass thicknesses, limiting the use of larger glass panes and double or triple glazing.

Furthermore, the leaves of sliding windows simply have a brush system to ensure sealing as they slide over the frame, which does not guarantee total window tightness. In fact, the air permeability values of a sliding window are much lower than those of a casement window. Therefore, they have air leaks, which also worsen thermal insulation.

2. Lower sound insulation.
As mentioned, having a non-airtight closure system results in a low air permeability rating, which implies lower sound insulation because any small hole in the window ruins its sound insulation. Even if we use acoustic glass for sliding windows, the overall window insulation will be quite poor.

3. Security issues.
Sliding windows pose a cleaning safety problem since users often cannot reach to clean the outermost part of the glass. Many times the only way to fully clean the glass is by removing the window leaves, which is an additional task for a domestic user.

In fact, sliding windows are prohibited in new construction above certain sizes precisely because of this security issue. We have already commented in some articles about people literally risking their lives to clean their windows.

4. Limitation in total gap opening.
As we have said, in a sliding window, we cannot fully open the gap, as the leaves will always remain on one side or the other within the frame rail. For example, for sliding windows with two rails and two leaves, we can only open half of the gap.

5. Higher maintenance.
They tend to accumulate quite a bit of dirt inside the frame, which is difficult to clean as it gets trapped between the frame rails. Therefore, they need more cleaning. As we have also mentioned, cleaning the leaves is more difficult since in many cases we will be forced to remove window leaves.

When we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of sliding windows, we must emphasize that we are primarily referring to windows and not sliding doors.

Sliding door systems have their own solutions for sliding doors, which have little to do with window systems.

Therefore, our recommendation, as a general rule, is to use tilt and turn windows instead of sliding windows.

You will have much better thermal and acoustic insulation, very easy cleaning, just by opening the leaves to clean both inside and outside.

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